MLC Day 2024

Gift amount and designation
Select your gift amount
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 250.00
$ 500.00
$ 1,000.00
Additional information
In this section you can set up a recurring gift, mark your gift anonymous, or indicate whether this will be a tribute gift from you alone or from you and your spouse. (For tributes, you'll provide more information at the bottom of this donation form.)
Type of gift:
Billing information
If using a form fill tool, note that it auto-fills the Tribute Honoree(s) full name field at the BOTTOM of this form, which you will need to CLEAR if no tribute gift is selected.
Payment information
Note: An Electronic Fund Transfer will be referred to as "Direct Debit" in gift acknowledgements, etc.
 /  (Maestro/Switch/Solo only)
 (Maestro/Switch/Solo only)
help *
  Note: The Card Security Code is not required for Maestro, Switch and Solo cards.
Additional security
This is a security measure to help prevent fraud.
Tribute information
If you wish to honor someone special, provide their name below and select a tribute type. Use “Description” to identify the honoree’s city and state (or special occasion, e.g. “50th birthday”).

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