Donate Online

The Martin Luther College family thanks you for your generosity and rejoices in the Lord for your support. Your gifts further the mission of MLC and WELS as we train and equip a core of Christian witnesses to proclaim the Word of God faithfully.

Have you set up a transactions account for our new and improved online donation system? By registering via the Login link to the right, the personal information from your account profile will be auto-filled below.

Please note: If you need to make a gift on behalf of an organization, call (507) 354-8221 ext. 295.

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Gift amount and designation
Select your gift amount and designation, then click "Add gift" to bring up the rest of the donation form. (If you wish to donate to multiple designations, repeat these steps.)
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 250.00
$ 500.00